Thursday, 22 May 2014

How to Train Hard in a Commercial Gym

How to Train Hard in a Commercial Gym

Bodybuilding tips

You’ve put in a few solid years of training and you’re ready to take your workouts to the next level. Problem is there’s no sports performance facility or powerlifting gym within a 50-mile radius of where you live. So how do you get in hardcore workouts while being surrounded by cardio bunnies and dudes flexing in the mirror? Follow these 5 tips and you can turn any average, commercial gym environment into your version of muscle beach.

1: Forget the Supersets
Everyone knows that one of the biggest problems in commercial gyms is overcrowding - particularly during prime time hours. Walk away from the squat rack to hit a set of pull-ups and you are likely to find your barbell stripped and some guy setting up for a killer set of curls by the time you get back. Rather than going with supersets (which, of course are efficient) stick in one spot and perform all the sets of your main strength exercise as straight sets. Face it, the gym is a pretty territorial place. And while someone may ask to work in with you, the chances of someone trying to completely reset the rack is unlikely. And while it may take some more time, straight sets do allow you to place more focus and energy on one big lift.

2: The Barbell is Your Best Friend
Machines, dumbbells, kettlebells and even treadmills can all have their place in well designed training program. But if we’re talking hardcore movements, most of those start and end with the barbell. You can squat, military press, bench, clean, snatch and deadlift all with the same piece of equipment. And most commercial gyms have no shortage of barbells. So grab one, make your way into an empty corner of the gym, gather some plates and get to work.

3: Find a Great Training Partner
Even the typical Globo-Gym has a few guys who are very knowledgeable and take their training seriously. Seek these people out and train with them or, at the very least, try to train at the same time they are there. Surrounding yourself with guys who want to get stronger and bigger will instantly improve your training environment. Plus you’ll automatically be surrounded by guys who will spot you, give you good advice and cheer you on as you go for personal best lifts.

4: Add Resistance to Your Conditioning
Nothing will lull you to sleep in a typical gym like the cardio area. The wait for machines and endless banks of TVs are less about dedication and more about distraction. If your program calls for conditioning, stay in the free weight area and hit some timed circuits or kettlebell complexes. Going about your energy system work this way will keep you in the right frame of mind and around other people who are pushing their limits, not pushing buttons on a remote.

5: It’s All About Attitude
It may be tough to get psyched up for a big set when no one else in the gym seems to care. But bringing the right attitude into each training sessions is just as important as bringing your gym bag. If you can’t find like-minded people to train around, make yourself a playlist of music that gets you psyched to lift and engage in some positive, motivating self-talk before each set. Visualize an entire, successful training session before you even head to the gym. Doing these things will allow you to rise above a not-so-inspiring training environment and be able to achieve your best every time you step up to the bar.


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